Quantifying Light Pollution

Chi-Squared Test

Written by Matin Sharkawi

As these images were taken from Central London, there was a significant amount of light pollution that had to be accounted for in all the images. The effect of light pollution was found by fitting a gaussian distribution over a histogram of background pixel values, defined by:

The standard deviation of this fit accounts for this error on our data due to light pollution, where A is the amplitude, σ is the standard deviation, x0 is the centre of the distribution, and xi is the current data point we are generating a value for.

Looking at the histogram for the entire image for how many pixels of a certain brightness exist in the image, we can see that the grand majority of the data is quite dark, but not zero. We can assume that this is the light pollution, and the far more infrequent, brighter values are the stars.

In this histogram, the y-axis is logarithmic to show the low frequency data points. The pixel value is the brightnesss of a pixel, and the frequency is the number of pixels with that brightness found in the image.

Applying an initial fit:

To test the goodness of our model data to our observed data, we implemented a chi-squared test, given by the below equation. A small chi squared value close to the range of pixel values we have implies a good fit.

Where O is observed data & E is expected data. We are using the Poisson Error squared as the denominator on our Chi Squared due to the Poisson nature of our observed values, a number of photons detected per exposure time.

To test how well our distribution fits, we employed a grid search method to vary each of the three parameters in our gaussian through an 11 x 11 x 11 grid, and calculating a chi-squared value for every combination of parameters in that grid. The smallest chi squared is then taken to be the centre, and a new grid is formed around it and the parameters are varied again. This is repeated until chi-squared stops decreasing, meaning we have found the minimum chi-squared value. The parameters of this best fit can be used to find the error due to light pollution.

def grid_search(unique_values, polluted_bins, ab, xob, wb):
    # Grid Jump Method

    # Define grid sizes

    dw = 10
    da = 100
    dxo = 20

    # Define data
    n = len(unique_values) #number of data points
    x = polluted_bins #our data
    y = generate_current_fit(polluted_bins) #fitted data

    # Initialize variables to store optimal parameters
    at = ab
    xot = xob
    wt = wb
    chisqmin = float('inf')

    # Perform grid search
    for l in range(-5, 6):
        w = max(0.0, wb + float(l) * dw) 
        for k in range(-5, 6):
            a = max(0.0, ab + float(k) * da)
            for j in range(-5, 6):
                xo = max(0.0, xob + float(j) * dxo)
                # Compute chi-squared
                chisq = 0.0
                for i in range(n):
                    chisq += ((x[i] - a * np.exp(-((x[i] - xo) / 2*(w**2)) ** 2)) / max(1.0, x[i]))
                # Update optimal parameters if chi-squared is lower
                if chisq < chisqmin:
                    xot = xo
                    wt = w
                    at = a
                    chisqmin = chisq
                    print("New optimal parameters found:")
                    print("a =", a)
                    print("xo =", xo)
                    print("w =", w)
                    print("chi-squared =", chisq)

    print("Optimal parameters:")
    print("a =", at)
    print("xo =", xot)
    print("w =", wt)
    print("Minimum chi-squared =", chisqmin)

    return at, xot, wt

bat, bxot, bwt = grid_search(unique_values_blue, polluted_bins_blue, 13000, 455, 130)
gat, gxot, gwt = grid_search(unique_values_green, polluted_bins_green, 8000, 418, 150)

In the above code, w refers to the standard deviation σ.

Error Propagation

Written by Niharika Rath

Error analysis is obligatory to make valid scientific conclusions and to account for errors that gratuitously creep into the observations of any experiment. With our observations, we have 2 main sources of errors to account for, light pollution and a Poisson count error.

Following this, we proceeded to propagate the errors for the physical quantities used in plotting our HR diagram, namely the Flux, Magnitude and B-G values.

The √N is the error due to a Poisson counting error, where N is the count in a pixel. In our data, the count N is our flux F. The total error on the flux of all the pixels in the star is therefore √F. The error due to light pollution on the other hand is the width of the gaussian we fitted, σ. Adding these in quadrature gives:

We calculated our magnitudes in each filter using the equation:

In order to propagate our errors through this, we used the error propagation equation of the form:

So our errors on magnitude have the form:

After subtracting the magnitudes in the green filter from the blue filter, the error on our B-G value is:

Using this, we attempt to prove the validity of our results and generate an HR diagram with values that match the literary ones, of course with an error associated with it:

The code for error propagation:

def calculate_flux_errors(flux_values, std): 
    flux_errors = np.sqrt( (flux_values) + 78*(std)**2 )
    return flux_errors

def calculate_mag_errors(flux_values, flux_errors):
    mag_errors = (2.5 / np.log(10)) * (flux_errors / (flux_values))
    return mag_errors

def calculate_bg_errors(blue, green, magB_errors, magG_errors):
    # Propagation of errors for B-G calculation
    bg_errors = np.sqrt((magB_errors)**2 + (magG_errors)**2 )
    return bg_errors

std_b = 320  # Standard deviation from the background fitting
std_g = 400

# Calculate flux errors for fluxB and fluxG
fluxB_errors = calculate_flux_errors(np.array(fluxB), std_b)
fluxG_errors = calculate_flux_errors(np.array(fluxG), std_g)

# Calculate magnitude errors
magB_errors = calculate_mag_errors(np.array(fluxB), np.array(fluxB_errors))
magG_errors = calculate_mag_errors(np.array(fluxG), np.array(fluxG_errors))

# Calculate B-G errors
bg_errors = calculate_bg_errors(blue, green, magB_errors, magG_errors)

Errors Validation – Signal to Noise Ratio

Written by Anastasia Soldatova

Astronomers often use a quantity called the “signal to noise ratio” (S/N) to determine the accuracy of measurement or observation. This is the ratio of the signal (mean observation) divided by the noise (standard deviation of the observation). Oftentimes in similar projects we are working with Poisson statistics because we are only capturing some of the photons coming in from a distant source. For Poisson statistics, the standard deviation of a single measurement is the total number of counts. 

For real astronomical observation, we must take into account that the star is observed on top of the sky background, which will produce an associated error in its measurement. 

The S/N ratio of an observation for a CCD is given by 

Where So is the shot-noise in the detected photo-electrons from the source, Ss is the shot-noise in the detected photo-electrons from the sky background, SD is the shot-noise in the thermally excited electrons, i.e the dark current, and R is the time-independent readout noise. Note, there is no square root on this term. The readout noise is the standard deviation in the number of electrons measured – it is not a Poissonian counting process.

In our project, however, the last two terms in the sum under the square root were ignored due to them having a negligible impact on the overall value. They are relatively small in the CCD documentation. Below is the line of code we used to calculate the ratio. It is taking a cutout of background and summing over all the pixels to get a total flux of the star. The rest of the propagation remains the same:

def calculate_snr(image, star_center, star_radius):
    # Define circular aperture for the star
    aperture_star = CircularAperture(star_center, r=star_radius)
    star_flux = aperture_star.to_mask(method="exact").cutout(image)

    # Define circular annulus for background
    aperture_bckgr = CircularAnnulus(star_center, r_in=star_radius+3, r_out=star_radius+10)
    bckgr_flux = aperture_bckgr.to_mask(method="exact").cutout(image)

    signal = np.sum(star_flux)

    # Calculate SNR
    snr = signal / np.sqrt( signal + np.sum(bckgr_flux) ) #/ len(bckgr_flux))

    return snr

Then adjusting “calculate flux errors” in our propagation code:

def calculate_snr_errors(flux_values, snr):
    flux_errors = flux_values / snr
    return flux_errors

This gave us an HR diagram with very similar errors:

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